Monday, December 1, 2014

Week 15 Writing Post

I really enjoyed writing the smaller stories for the weekly assignments. Most of the time, I had a good time just coming up with the weird things to write. I have not written anything other than a lab report for three years and I hadn't written a story since middle school. The whole writing experience was like a break from engineering work, and I am glad I took this class.

I decided to write a storybook with The Doctor (the main character from Doctor Who) as the narrator. This was used as an example in the notes talking about first person and third person storytelling types, so I thought there would have been a lot of them done before. Apparently, I was the only one who decided to use this example, or maybe I was the only one who actually read the notes. Anyway, I was really surprised how many people read the stories just because they knew The Doctor was in them. I really had to change some things around to put him in some stories, but Alice in Wonderland required almost no changes. I am pretty surprised he has never dealt with the cheshire cat or a jabbawockee before.

I hated having to leave such long comments on storybooks, but I actually used all the comments that were left on mine to improve the stories. I understand the importance. Also, it's nice to know that people have actually read the story.

As for writing in my future, it will not be anything like this class. There may be small instances where I make up stories for my nephew and niece, but they will not get written down. Unfortunately, my writing will be less about magic and more about science and law, but I think they tend to have more meaning when you get paid to do it. I had fun, so maybe I will take a class like this again, or just read up on the untextbook for fun.

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