Thursday, September 4, 2014

Essay Week 3: Animal Motif

Recurring Motifs: Saints Connection to Nature

In the Saints and Animals reading unit, the hero (saint) always had a supernatural command over or connection to wild animals. In almost all the stories, the saint has a deep connection to God and spurring from that, a deep connection to His creation. They clearly show the fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. These characteristics applied not only to humans but overflowed to all living creatures.

In these stories, the love for God’s creatures always led to some advantage over them, befriending them or using them for their bidding. In Christianity, it is believed that creation itself is proof that there is a great and powerful God. In the story of Job, when Job has lost all his family, his wealth, his friends, and his health, he cries out to God. The way that God shows him that He is in control is by reminding him about His awesome creation. In this description, God talks about wild animals that everyone fears and no one could try to kill with any real hope, but they are still under the control of their creator.

Carl Weidemeyer-Worpswede - Die Blümlein des heiligen Franziskus von Assisi.  Wolf

The theme of saints also being in control of animals is no different than control of any other part of God’s creation, including forces of nature. However the one thing that no saint ever has control over is another human. These stories may seem as if they elevate the importance of animals’ lives, and to some point, they do. But, the reason that humans cannot be controlled is because they have a soul and free will while all these animals, no matter how wild or strong they seem, still remain under control of the hero. In the end, though the animals may have been wild or killed people, they can always be tamed, and it is the humans in the story who always have the choice and ability to remain wild and are the real danger.

The story unit can be found here.

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