Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Reading Diary Week 13 Brothers Grimm

The Frog Prince
-The frog kind of tricks her into letting him become her pet because he gets her ball for him
-this is like the third princess with a golden ball that I have seen in the classic fairy tales
-NOT a kiss,  eating from her plate and sleeping in her bed three nights
-marriage happens. happiness and riches too.

-More about the parents than I have ever heard.
-The prince stays the night for quite some time, resulting in some babies later.
-The witch cuts off her hair and moves her from the forest to the desert, never seen that
-He jumped out of the window of the tower, barely surviving but being blinded, so dramatic
-eventually he wanders to the desert and finds Rapunzel and their children

The Straw, The Coal, and The Bean
-Inanimate objects come to life and go on an adventure
-Like the Brave Little Toaster but with more food
-They all die anyway
-I actually thought it was really funny

The Mouse, The Bird, and The Sausage
-Each had a job, one gets jealous
-The illustration of a sausage cooking gets weird quick

The Traveling Musicians
-Donkey, dog, cat, rooster, run away to become musicians
-and so they aren't put down
-they beat up robbers, so basically they are rock stars

Clever Elsie
-I do not understand
-They are not clever, but they think they are
-Dude tricks her into thinking she is not herself by changing her out of her clothes

Briar Rose
- Sleeping Beauty
-It starts out basically how I remember it
-The entire castle and its inhabitants fall asleep instead of just her
-For 100 years!
-the prince didn't even have to do anything, he just happened to show up when everyone was waking up
-He still kissed her, but it was not magical

Read the stories.

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